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Santé Premium-Silver Perch Essence -Imperial Nutrition Supplement

Product Info

【Ingredients】Sea Bass Extract
【Packing】 60 mL / pack, 6 packs/ box
【Eating method】Children and general maintenance: Drink one packet daily; for intensive care: Drink two packets daily.”
【Shelf life】18 Months
【Shipping Method】Shipping at room temperature
【Storage】 Store In Cool & Dry Place, Avoid Sunlight & Below 25°C

Santé Premium-Silver Perch Essence -Imperial Nutrition Supplement became the silver perch brand in Taiwan that first passed the high-standard examination of international experts and was crowned with the gold award of Monde Selection.
Santé Premium-Silver Perch Essence -Imperial Nutrition Supplement has also been consistently awarded the Gold Award at the Monde Selection for six consecutive years since 2018. Furthermore, it has received dual certifications: the Dutch A.A. Great Taste Two-Star Award and the A.A. Anti-Additive Three-Star Certification. “

The Reasons for the Superior Quality of Santé Premium-Silver Perch Essence -Imperial Nutrition Supplement
Scientific golden ratio makes every drop a rare essence.
The peptides extracted from different parts have distinct functionalities. After undergoing 36 formula trials form a golden ratio and adjusting the proportions of fish body, bones, and skin, we have successfully extracted the finest peptides with excellent flavor from various parts.

Fish Soup Breakthrough: Efficacious and Highly Absorbable Peptides and Amino Acids.
Fish soup is a simple and delicious dish, but due to the limitations of conventional heating methods, the breakdown of fish protein is limited, let alone extracting peptides or amino acids from fish scales, skin, or bones. Through continuous experimentation in the laboratory, we have discovered our unique golden ratio, not just for barramundi soup, but for extracting essence from various parts of barramundi containing a variety of peptides and amino acids

Creating barramundi essence starts with sourcing from premium fishing grounds!
The origin is the starting point; we actually visit fishing grounds to verify if the breeding environment is ideal. Before using them to make fish essence, our barramundi have already passed through multiple layers of strict inspection!

We make barramundi essence using fresh ingredients.
Not only do carefully select premium fish, but we also pay attention to the preservation before producing the fish essence. We are the first to adopt CAS technology in rapid freezing, which ensures that barramundi remains fresh with intact cells even after freezing

Stringent Quality Control: Our products are tested and certified by SGS.